
Mr. LIU Xiaofeng


   ●  General Manager, Partner

   ●  Patent Attorney

   ●  Judicial Authenticator

Mr. LIU Xiaofeng is engaged in patent prosecution and patent litigation including a broad range of fields and technical areas. Before joining Lian & Lien IP Attorneys, Mr. LIU has ever worked in China Science Patent & Trademark Agent Ltd. for almost twenty years. As one of the founders, Mr. LIU was the senior partner and vice president of China Science. He has also ever worked in the U.S law firm in 1999.

Mr. LIU obtained a bachelor degree in Physics from Central Nationality University in 1990 and a M. S. from Beijing Polytechnic University in 1993. Mr. LIU got his master’s degree of the civil and commercial law in Law School of Peking University.   

Mr. LIU is a member of  AIPPI, a member of ACPAA and the senior member of CIPS.